Salivary gland biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue or cells from a salivary gland for examination.
Biopsy - salivary gland
There are several pairs of salivary glands in different locations in the mouth:
One method of salivary gland biopsy is a needle biopsy. The skin over the gland is cleaned with rubbing alcohol. A local pain-killing medicine (anesthetic) may be injected, and a needle is inserted into the gland. A piece of tissue or cells are removed and placed on slides, which are sent to a laboratory for examination.
A biopsy can also be done to:
A biopsy of the glands in the lips or the parotid gland can also be performed to diagnose diseases such as Sjogren syndrome.
For a needle biopsy, there is no special preparation. However, you may be asked not to drink or eat anything for a few hours beforehand.
For surgical excision of a tumor, preparation is the same as for any major surgery. You will not be able to eat anything for 6 to 8 hours before the surgery.
During a needle biopsy, there may be some stinging or burning if a local anesthetic is injected. Insertion of the biopsy needle may cause pressure or mild discomfort which should only last for 1 or 2 minutes. Afterward, the area may feel tender or be bruised for a few days.
The biopsy for Sjogren syndrome will involve injection of the anesthetic in the lip or in the front of the ear and there will be stitches in the location(s) involved.
This test is done to determine the cause of abnormal lumps or growths of the salivary glands and to diagnose Sjogren syndrome.
The salivary gland tissue is normal, with no abnormal growths.